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tv   [untitled]    November 4, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EST

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the week's top stories from r.t. and superstorm sandy wreaks havoc across the northeastern u.s. leaving one hundred dead millions called the country's most expensive presidential campaign to date in a tailspin. no peace for post gadhafi libya as the country's two major cities are attacked and grenade strikes the security headquarters in tripoli while a car bomb was detonated in. truth under attack in greece journalists show solidarity with whistleblowers who are being silenced while trying to expose a government wrong. found swastikas fly in the streets of moscow russia's most radical nationalists emerge in the capital and nationwide aiming to stir up divisions on the country's day of unity.
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with the stories that made headlines this week this is the weekly on our with me rory solution and while voices in florida lined up to cast their ballot in early voting those in new york are lining up for fuel rations and blankets much of the big apple remains paralyzed with tens of thousands still without power heat or hot water all nearly a week after superstorm sandy ripped through his arteries marina portnoy with the political fallout from the disaster. she was a storm the size of europe and it might be a game changer for america's upcoming u.s. presidential election early voting was suspended as hurricane sandy ripped through the u.s. east coast monday causing eight and a half million homes and businesses to lose power president barack obama canceled
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campaign appearances to handle the superstorm the election will take care of itself . next week right now our number one priority is to make sure that we are saving lives national polls show the commander in chief garnered excellent marks for his response is a lot of faith and fema i think they'll do ok that was the president flying overhead but. he's my man. vote for obama. possible yet the biggest praise of all came from a staunch romney supporter of cooperation for the president i did states has been outstanding the president has been all over this he deserves great credit if you think right now i give a damn about presidential politics that you don't know me looking to also score political points republican candidate mitt romney rebranded his victory rally in ohio into a relief a vent for sandy victims. to stop their political campaigning because.
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they. are still being very close thank you but while the candidates attempt to feature sandy in their quest for votes her victims are too busy piecing their lives back together below thirty ninth street has become known as the dark side of manhattan hundreds of thousands have been surviving without electricity heat and hot water for more than five days on staten island polling stations are no longer standing voting locations are being moved in parts of new jersey massachusetts connecticut and pennsylvania that are still dark and damaged by the storm some experts say the last minute scrambling will undoubtedly leave countless americans disenfranchised from democracy on november sixth it's destroying the legitimacy of the election potentially on the east coast early voting is
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being wiped out in these cities and states the voting of the elderly on the election day the voting of the poor on election day the voting in of new yorkers on election day is likely to be diminished through no fault of their own and that will affect the outcome of the election and election now defined by two men and sandy marina port ny r.t. new york. and one aspect of the rice that's putting money for. it was off is how hard is it is to tell the leading candidates apart from their relationships with the banks to the foreign policy there are striking similarities between the two shows if the shore from the socialist equality party says the ballot lacks a true choice well we enter the election with the understanding that the whole process is fundamentally antidemocratic it's controlled by billions of dollars now and corporate money in the media controlled by corporations and getting on the
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ballot is incredibly difficult requiring millions of dollars for the. signatures in every state it's something of a farce and even even within this framework of course the choices that are available even you know that within this anti democratic primary or basically agree on everything so even if of course if you had a democratic process between these two candidates american people don't have really anything to choose from and war the attack on democratic rights to bail out of the banks the attack on social programs all of this is really agreed to by both romney and obama. it is accepted as the framework by the media and contrary to what many disenchanted americans believe there is an alternative to republican and democrat do what polly we've been bringing you extensive coverage of a third party candidates plans and policies and it continues on monday when we host the final debate live from our studios in washington. will two parties keep us politics a one way street. or will new voices disrupt the power of power that. was
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its american changes. with election close guy monday november fifth on our team. it's good to have you with us are a naughty today a rocket propelled grenade has reportedly struck libya's supreme security committee headquarters in tripoli the attack was followed by sporadic gunfire and clashes middle east correspondent paula has details on this. while a gun battle was raging in south tripoli between two rival libyan militias around the libyan security it course is building and from the information we have at least five people have been injured and that building has been destroyed now we are receiving reports that the whole area has been cordoned off that many residents in the area have rushed home and they barricaded themselves in front inside of their homes and also arming themselves with my weapons that security building is also
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makes to the tripoli central hospital and some of the but it's from his gun battle p.s. the hospital was also on sunday morning there was a car bomb explosion in front of a police station in neat second largest city in that we are being godsey now at least we and these officers were wounded in that car explosion we not hearing any reports of the ears of people who have been killed we also know that part of the building particularly the entrance has been damaged at the side to the building has people talking just for you and they are a number of shattered windows not one of those comes just a few days after the weekend that has seen more than a thousand protesters take to the streets of benghazi they are calling for the eastern half of libya to be stipulated we're talking here about what he hopes the territory of the country that holds more than three quarters of the oil reserves they want their own autonomy that one too many of the other things and then one thing ghazi to be the economic capital of the country all of this coming
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a little more than a you know since the so-called remediation alst of the former. gadhafi and what the book missing is these polarized nations of people polarizations it into for people wanting gun battles on the streets we also know that for weeks now the city of funny when it has been and to see and from there we saw how when pictures of death and destruction. there's also a terror in syria this in the heart of the capital or shortly on r.c.u. we have details of an explosion near a highly secured and go. buildings in damascus. also a bit later tempers fray in london after the e.u. seeks even more cash for its budget and a british m.p. say it's just not worth it and it might be time to go. a quick whistleblower arrested after publishing a list of the country's potential tax evaders was acquitted on thursday but another is still in custody after threatening to reveal how the books were cooked before
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greece got its bailout spitter all of our reports the trend in greece is to root out those who revealed wrongdoing rather than going after the perpetrators. is the greek government using bully boy tactics to cover up its own failings that's the question that took thousands of greek journalists to the streets of athens the council list for their outrage was the arrest of journalist cost us vaxevanis after he revealed the names of more than two thousand wealthy and highly influential greeks accused of stashing illicit gains in swiss bank accounts the numbers would not. be published a list that other countries found in their possession in our government was aware of it for two years but did nothing in the absence of democracy reece is governed by corrupt cartoon characters who deceive the public claiming their handling tax evasion vaxevanis was set free after the judges decided that he did not have
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a case to answer however his story is sent a shockwave through an already fractious society we are in a period of political muscle and political crisis social crisis is obvious we have. high rates of unemployment we are reaching one might say weimar republic kind of unemployment levels there is poverty there are there is more austerity coming. but when it comes to reporting on government business one senior member of the greek union of journalists told me that it's getting close to cooperate all quit american members of tough restrictions have been imposed to any voice of the opposition and the media goes restricting journalists some two thousand five hundred media professionals technicians included have lost their job since last year. and those who attempt to stand up to authority and
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expose corruption are handcuffed to be arrested because he revealed the names obviously you can understand that people can cooperate with the state but vaxevanis told me he won't keep silent i asked him if he was given another list of names then what would he do this is my job this is what journalists do they don't cover scandals they told the truth and the elites tried for two whole years to accomplish major evidence that renders them in the system entirely unreliable while the good from the arrest of a journalist while trying to reveal wrongdoing has left some greeks feeling that their democratic rights are being a road here in the very birthplace of democracy peter all of our see. and the e.u. is main players are set to square up britain calling on it to decide if it really wants to stay part of the club it's after this week's bruising for prime minister david cameron. turned on him and sided with the opposition in
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a vote cut to the yearly payments to fund the. deputy prime minister who warned of political rebellion could see britain isolated within the bloc but cameron's conservatives are using it to push for the people to choose whether to quit the e.u. first because. this question inflation increase on the budget would equate to an extra three hundred million pounds a year and that would increase over the multi and your budget up to two thousand and twenty and at a time when u.k. families are having to make very difficult often pay. four decisions with the household budgets local councils doing the same and even our own national government here in the u.k. i think it is absolutely right to expect the european union to try and trim some of its very large budget and i think it's politically smart for the government to actually be in touch with public opinion majority people in the united kingdom have never had a say on our relationship with europe we need a referendum this side of the general election in this parliament and let democracy
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reign and let the british people have their voice heard. britain's got a bunch of warplanes of the push and gulf on the flight but deploying two of runs about yacht has nothing to do with terror on its nuclear program just so what they tell us analysts and also show that i will be talking about this in full after a short break. plus a resolute of a reform raney's defy the ban on rallies with crowds holding out against more tear gas and arrests and we get expert analysis and a few minutes. horses and bayonets big bird these are the words of internet legend from the two thousand and twelve presidential debates when a candidate says something dumb or odd to so much fun to make silly pictures like
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these on the internet ha ha ho ho hee hee but the problem is that the person who wins the bait is the one who makes the best argument not he who doesn't make a verbal slip ups people react to these debates like schoolgirls picking prom queen or rummy talked about big bird who howard dean scream. gaffes don't matter that much it matters if the idea is the candidates present are effective or not but more importantly it matters if they will actually do them if a future can say proposed a brilliant economic plan that could save america but instead of saying pennies let the word penis slip or gossip celebrity culture would make him lose the election for sure his opponent's army of photoshop or sort of hundreds of copper fellas is drawn all over the internet by the next day a schoolgirl attitude towards politics won't do anything except make fun internet means but that's just my opinion.
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a quarter past the hour here in moscow this is artsy with me rule research to show you some of russia's most radical political groups are out in force this sunday from die hard nationalists to write fascists in dozens of cities tens of thousands of join the marchers chanting against immigration israel on all things foreign. office and watching the crowds right here in central moscow. the slogans and the message is that we've been hearing from the crowd behind me is that russia for russians only they want the flag of the russian order they're basically demanding jobs for your russians whatever that means and they're also pushing to repeal the law part of the russian president a law that actually punishes hate crimes motivated by religious hatred nationalists and that make a trend so it's. a message of national unity that probably doesn't sit well with a large chunk of the population now there are several parts about six thousand people in that crowd right now the permit is more about ten thousand. people so we
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could see those numbers a lot of the force of massive police presence here as well so far the protest seems to be largely peaceful although we've also heard reports of about twenty five people wearing black clothes with the swastika shouting slogans they've been detained in another part of the city center here in moscow now we have to keep in mind that this is the play of swastikas is of course banned in russia as well as many european countries similar types of rallies have been taking place across russia and we've heard of another report of about ninety people detained in the urals city if you can see the import of her taking part of an authorized nationalist rally there now the police say that most of those people were teenagers again rather disturbing sight frankly we've seen a lot of nationalist flags this sort of icons from the church which i guess is the symbol of some of the people here as well as some reports of people actually chanting long live anderson braving the person far right extremists was massacred seventy seven people in norway so again
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a very disturbing story but we'll keep you updated on all the developments here. the u.k. is reporting are planning to send warplanes to the potion gulf and jets would be stationed at the united arab emirates just a couple of hundred kilometers from iran now britain's defense minister insists no connection to concerns over iran's nuclear ambitions but on to walk to this joint research finds rather hard to swallow. this is not the first report we've had all western increased deployments in the area there have been a whole spate of them in recent weeks and months which all point in the same direction all be increased u.s. british and other western nations deploying a great deal more than the normal commitment to the gulf area not big enough in normal times and i think we all understand what the imperial structure of the of the middle east is and that is that the western powers britain a better america with the support britain and other western european powers believes that it has an absolute right to control this area with open it employees
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the israeli state has its watchdog we read stories that the israelis and the u.s. have now come to an agreement about a time scale within which they must deal with iran so i don't say that's going to happen the day after the u.s. elections but i do think that things will move on and we'll be clear exactly what the program deploying further pressure on the iranian regime is in a week or so is time. a place of worship in london but four times bigger than some paul's cathedral except this time it's a mosque we hear from a community including muslims who are wary of plans drafted by a group that's linked to places where some of the seventy seven bombers prayed and that's ahead for you in the program. the people of bahrain were banned this week from organizing public gatherings but it didn't stop hundreds of progress formers some keeping their message alive as a result of their peaceful rally faced riot police tear gas and buttons opposition
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politicians. thinks the government's only making things worse by stopping people having more of a say in their own country. illegally and people demand. their honest but this is. despite the age of the government being bought out that it just slipped a little through the team exploded it is having an independent judicial system where they are claiming is that there are just a few ruling the lot of journalists and this is not going to end this it is impossible and this is still no make these laws if somebody from death that is ready to know not to or to go on to look good to go don't know who to go down to look for we need more from the international community and this is really going. to the will of the bush years you know going into this if you are disillusioned and if
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you. want this is us and. so we need. twenty minutes past the hour moscow time the us national archives the library of record but try finding anything to do with wiki leaks there is a live director or doesn't want to divulge anything uncomfortable so this is what you get when you search the archives about anything linked to the whistle blowing web site. plus get a tip off to see the international space station with your own eyes but with a nasa to tell you when the eye assess goes flying right over your head as details online for. an explosion has hit the center of the syrian capital damascus the blast which state t.v. describes as terrorism took place in near heavily guarded military and government buildings regional analysts tell r.t. that those who support of radical elements in syria are the ones to blame. there are two sides to this conflict one is the syrian government and that can be held
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accountable in a simple way the other side is very diffuse and this is this is where the problems always been that you cannot control all the elements and even if let's say the majority of opposition figures want to participate you have a few spoilers who ruin it and we know by and large was the flying the spoilers you know in this countries like saudi arabia and qatar and turkey now if the international community was serious about a resolution of this conflict or at least helping to defuse the humanitarian element of this conflict which is ostensibly what they argue they would immediately penalize. perhaps even sanction the countries that are providing arms to the rebels who are the spoilers every time there are efforts to. you know bring the parties together and achieve cease fire. syria's opposition leaders are trying to reshuffle their ranks and agree on
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a more common platform as they meet in qatar's capital at the gathering comes amid disturbing revelations of the methods that rebel fighters are resorting to while battling the army on the ground a video surfaced last week depicting what the u.n. described as a potential war crime that apparently shows the rebels berating the soldiers they seized at least ten men called assad's dogs by their captors were kicked and beaten before being sprayed with bullets the president of the arab voices association says says there's unlikely to be any fun in. the western world which created the international court of justice does not want to talk parade except when they wish they didn't. it didn't happen in the crimes that were committed in iraq it didn't happen the crimes happened in afghanistan it is not likely to happen when it is in syria because most of these companies that look where the western powers
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particularly made to the usa and france therefore the international justice is not to look into these thinks specially if one recognizes or remembers the usa has withdrawn from that agreement or refused to sign the agreement on the boundary signed multiple agreements with multiple countries their soldiers will not be subject to the war so i don't think it is likely this is from the political side and i think on the practical side it's also. to identify the perpetrators. london's been filling plenty of giant venues in its olympic year but next in line could be the building of a massive ten thousand capacity mosque but even muslims in the british capital fear it could be a fundamentalist breeding ground as artie's poly border investigates. four times bigger than some paul's cathedral a mega mosque that will fit ten thousand people and it could be coming to london's east end if it gets the go ahead it's built the river in center will be the same
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size as london's looming but as a promise station it would also be the biggest place of worship in the u.k. of any religion but critics have slammed the proposal saying that it would create a muslim pastor in the forces capital working to bring the largest mosque the u.k. has ever seen into reality revered architects planning consultants and glitzy p.r. teams all paid for by the organization behind the idea to matt a group that's causing significant concern this is a little bit about of all the islamic groups has created ghettos over in toronto you know in canada right there around the world is a huge group and wherever they go they create barriers they create hostility they create division they create separatism with its unassuming name the riverine centers website claims there's a demand for a new muslim place of worship in culturally diverse east london not that they're
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happy to talk about it it's representatives refused to speak to us when we approach the prepares site home to their current mosque it does not want to integrate the grounds on which the trying to set up here in britain and a big way and to the british they are and to us too but actually they're also anti worldly they're also worldly but this is not just going to be a mosque this is going to be a center of training in which to reach out to islam is muslims to harden up and mediæval eyes. of ordinary muslims in this country and i mean so many muslims don't want that the problem here is that. muslims themselves are opposing this most more on the grounds that they don't want to worship their god but on the grounds that women aren't allowed the local population of muslim population has no on the site and how the mosque itself is governed all the local
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authority would say to us as you can confer you have received a planning application as this is currently being protested it would be inappropriate to comment here at this stage in many ways if this went ahead if you like a tipping point and. there be no stopping fundamentalist islam if this one goes up well if that happens we'll need to move the country over the last one out please turn the lights off while the council ponders campaign as herr religions say they hope the decision makers choose carefully just today let's set up shop in the british capital. r t east london corridor coming up in just a moment here on our tio we examine cases of bride snatching in kurdistan that will be after a short break. tucked
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in between the russian mainland japan and the sun coming island is the island of minute on named after french seafarer who discovered it it is described as the pride of the sakhalin region we'll take a look at what's in store for us here. until two thousand and four the island was part of the borders own and was completely restricted to busy days know this picture rest place is open to tourists unique plants and animals are its top attraction. really has been exploring the deaths on the world seas for several decades but it's here at. your own island where he has finally found what he'd been looking for. very clear the visibility is very good. here is extremely rich i've been to many
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diving locations across the planet including the. tops my list while some go to the region to enjoy the sights. nature's riches into a healthy. it is home to the biggest seafood processing factory in russia the tonight. hundreds of thousands of tons of fish get caught in the nets too late to produce delicious. and necessary attribute of anything. the owner of the enterprise good fishing season can bring in more than one hundred million dollars net profit. this is. mentally. operates in only and natural habitat and mild climate unique natural sights and delicious seafood. for a diverse those who are not afraid to travel ten thousand kilometers from europe the question is whether this distant.


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